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European School Education Platform


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Projects (10)

The one-year project entitled Let's Live Sustainably is designed for elementary school students (aged 6 to 14) and it is aimed at increasing information exchange between students, teachers and...

National Quality Label

This project is designed to lead children to discover the surrounding world through cyclicity seasonal. Know the seasons in their succession, identify the main features and changes helps children to...

National Quality Label

Our project is about exploring Europe, through song, opera, ballet, culture, history and art in general. They also include talking to students in a forum or meeting live. Students speak English, but...

National Quality Label

This project comes from same name documentary of Gadajace Glowy and KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI. KRZYSZTOF KIESLOWSKI starts his film by asking four simple questions to kids. These questions are: a) Who are...

National Quality Label

The research on dragons has been proposed, because it represents a world of illusion, color and fantasy that is very attractive and motivating to children. From the work with the dragons we can know...

National Quality Label

The aim of the project is to present prehistoric localities from different countries of Europe. Students will extend their knowledge of European prehistory through the project and recognize the...

National Quality Label

Music is the universal language through which we can express our feelings, thoughts, joy or sadness. The best way to learn a new culture and interact with a country for us is to start with their folk...

National Quality Label

Azalan su kaynaklarına karşı hızla artan su gereksinimini karşılayabilmek için su tasarrufu konusunda öğrencilerimizi ve çevreyi bilinçlendirmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

National Quality Label