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European School Education Platform


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Projects (52)

Getting in contact with students from all over Europe. Making of a movie with: - Short introduction of the students - A presentation of our school - How do we get to school in the morning - What...

"Digital Bridges: Sharing Passions and Cultures" is an engaging online project that connects students worldwide. Through this project, students will introduce their schools, share their hobbies and...

Õppijad valmistavad ise jõulukaardid, kirjutavad sinna sisse isetehtud luuletused ja head jõulusoovid ning saadavad need teistele projektis osalejatele posti teel. Saadud kaardid pannakse näitusele...

Pildistada, filmida oma kodulinna tuntumaid vaatamisväärsusi ja jagada oma kodulinna võlusid ka teistele projektis osalejatele video, kollaaži, esitluse näol. Valminud videod, kollaažid, esitlused...

Projekt „ Õpime uue roheoskuse“ toimub perioodil 4.10 - 31.10 kursusel projekt "Rohelise käitumise teadmiste laiendamine". Esimeses etapis teavitatakse kursuslasi ja antakse neile ülesanne uurida...

The European Chain Reaction is a science/art project for primary schools wishing to create, film and upload a "Rube Goldberg / Robert Storm Petersen-like" chain reaction. This project is also a...

Loome AI abil naljakaid fotosid ja palume AI-l luua virtuaalse fotonäituse. Õpilased koolis õpivad kasutama pildi loomise AI keskkondi.

The aim of the project is to promote basic competencies in ICT (including about artificial intelligence) through integration of them into the curriculum of our schools. It advocates for the...