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European School Education Platform


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Projects (8)

This project is created to be the platform of Social Values STEM from European Heritage - MULTILATERAL CONFERENCE - 04th of June 2021, organised by Tudor Arghezi High School from Craiova, Romania with...

Desfăşurarea acestui proiect vine ca răspuns la nevoia cadrelor didactice și a copiilor ,de a cunoaște obiceiuri și tradiții specifice altor țări ,de a se confrunta cu noi provocări în plan...

În timpul acestui proiect, vom alege un ursulet al clasei ,cu ajutorul caruia vom realiza activitatile la clasa.Fiecare participant va posta fotografii din cadrul activităților . În timpul derularii...

Küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliği ile ilgili farkındalık yaratmak için ortaklar öğrencilerle birlikte küresel ısınma ve iklim değişikliğiyle ilgili çalışmalar yaparak bu çalışmalara ait görselleri...

L’arbre, depuis la nuit des temps, a toujours été porteur de symboles pour l’humanité : par exemple, la puissance et la longévité pour le chêne, la paix pour l’olivier. A chaque arbre, les hommes ont...

National Quality Label

ABOUT THE PROJECT It is a project that given children the opportunity to produce and consume their own organic foods by raising awareness of natural and healthy food. In this project, which will...

National Quality Label

Sharing Easter traditions throughout Europe. Making Easter pictures with short English wishes.

National Quality Label

Primary and Secondary school children of two different countries will get in touch trought ICT in order to exchange and cook traditional recipes of their land. The result will be registered in a short...

National Quality Label