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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1466)

Die gewachsene Vielfalt in unserer Gesellschaft verändert das Leben. Das Wissen um die kulturellen Eigenschaften und Besonderheiten erweitern den eigenen Horizont. Offenheit gegenüber anderen Kulturen...

1.The Artist's Life as an Example of the Migration Experience: Victor Horta (Art Nouveau Houses in Stockholm, Oradea, Brussels), Constantin Brancusi and Carl Larsson. 2. Artists' Works as a Support...

În acest proiect ne propunem ca elevii să conștientizeze importanța cunoașterii mediului natural și antropic din jur, protejarea acestuia și să aplice metode de reducere a impactului negativ asupra...

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

Ecological education has become a necessity lately due to pollution, a problem which should be everyone’s concern. Pollution is the main factor which has led to a change in the natural balance of the...

It is a project that applies mathematical notions related to units of measurement in everyday life. It contains transdisciplinary activities, STEAM activities.

Scopul proiectului constă în creșterea gradului de educație modernă, aplicată, interdisciplinară la cel puțin 600 de copii și elevi din cadrul Liceului Tehnologic „Petre Ionescu Muscel” Domnești...

Purpose of the Project: The main aim of this project is to develop awareness of values education, recycling, upcycling, green environmentalism and a healthy lifestyle and to create behavioral change...