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European School Education Platform


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Projects (364)

This is a project about the traditional foods and customs in our countries.We will try to show to each other what delicious foods we have.In this way,we have the chance to see the differences and...

Well-being is a basic human right. One of the most important tasks of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the healthy cognitive, emotional, behavioral, physical, and social development of the...

It is going to be a collaborative trip concerning the Olympic Games. The history, the symbols, the flame, the hymne, the sports, the athletes, the paraolympic games, but most of all the values...

Our students are not always aware of the historical and social importance of the antique buildings of their territory. In this multidisciplinary project we aim to enhance the awareness of the students...

Rok 2022 Uchwałą Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej został ustanowiony Rokiem Wandy Rutkiewicz, jednej z najwybitniejszych himalaistek na świecie. Wybitnych kobiet w historii Polski można znaleźć wiele...

It cannot be a coincidence that research on intelligence always points to a common point. All scientific studies on the human brain and intelligence show that intelligence is a potential that can be...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We are interested in developing a local history program. It would be very interesting and particularly creative to discuss and exchange views with students from other regions of Greece and other...

Our aim is an eTwinning project that will enable middle school students to practice English, which will contribute to world peace among secondary schools in various parts of the world such as Romania...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label