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European School Education Platform


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Projects (17)

This is a project to make our students aware of the common Roman heritage that many countries share and of the values of heritage.

National Quality Label

Öğrencilerimizin gelecek için önemli olan bu 3 faktörün (iklim, insan, inovasyon) etkilerinin farkında olmalarını sağlamak. İklim, insan ve inovasyon odak alanlarındaki çalışmalarla iklim dostu okul...

National Quality Label

İngilizceyi günlük yaşamda konuşmak birincil hedefimizdir.Öğrencileri gerçek hayatın içine katarak pratik konuşma becerilerini geliştirmeyi hedefliyoruz.İngilizce konuşma konusunda kendine güvenen...

National Quality Label

Our project is designed to collect informatoin about unusual buildings of schools and their history. Teachers and students of different countries will collaborate and collect ideas about usefull...

National Quality Label

Citizenship is the central theme and the purpose of the proposal is to enable the students to play a more entertaining course in transdisciplinarity, in addition to developing other skills...

National Quality Label

We´d like to make some post holidays project about the places where children spend this summer. Children will collect postcards and take photos or draw pictures from interesting or their favourite...

National Quality Label

L’aspetto innovativo che qualifica il progetto si configura nel mettere in rete, condividere conoscenze, saper fare, attraverso strumenti multimediali al fine di promuovere e valorizzare i siti Unesco...

National Quality Label

Cross-curricular educational project meant to help children to use foreign languages, to help them in developing research skills,to set them in the position of giving accurate observations optained by...

National Quality Label