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European School Education Platform


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Projects (302)

We want to plan a sports and games festival with European partners. Children can gain movement and social experience at exciting stations. These could be e.g. creative relay races, throwing stations...

This project aims at connecting participants from this TCA (Training and Cooperation Activity) and serves as a platform for safe document distribution.

The "Worldwide Well-being Movement" is an e-Twinning project designed to foster cross-cultural connections and enhance emotional well-being among students globally. Participants engage in a variety of...

The project Wellbeing Explorers: A Journey of Self-Care aims to promote self-care and wellbeing among students, fostering a greater understanding of how people from different cultures prioritize and...

This is an innovative eTwinning project designed to immerse VET students in the exciting world of AI-driven job hunting and recruitment. In this hands-on experience, students will harness the power of...

This is a multilateral project among IES Ítaca, Tomares-Sevilla, Gymnazium Parovska, Nitra- Eslovaquia and Immanuel Kant, Münster-Germany with the external colaboration of Liceo Concetto Marchessi di...

This project aims at making students learn about their European roots and values by getting to know each others, presenting aspects of their countries and building up a common identity sharing values...

School should be a culturally responsive place that is rich with diversity and inclusivity. Various cultures are woven together to make up part of each individual student. Actively appreciating...

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