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European School Education Platform


Practical ideas and guidelines for teachers and schools

Miniatures of traditional cannons

Lessons learnt on history teaching from past wars in Europe

During periods of conflict, such as the war in Ukraine, the question of historical narratives and how they are taught comes under fresh scrutiny. This tutorial will examine how history teachers can negotiate strife and difference to make the subject meaningful for all pupils.
Cultural diversity
Cultural heritage
A person using tablet

Implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in your classroom

As technology becomes more and more prevalent in the classroom, the idea of ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) offers teachers and pupils alike new ways to explore learning. Finding cost-effective ways to use technology to engage their students in lessons is an ongoing concern. This tutorial highlights some resources and practical tips to get your school started on the BYOD journey.
Digital tools

How to create an EU Login account

In 2022, the European Commission's School Education Gateway and eTwinning platforms will merge into the European School Education Platform; all the content and services will be under one roof. The European School Education Platform will be accessible via EU Login, the European Commission's user authentication service. This tutorial will guide you through creating your EU Login account, which allows authorised users to access a wide range of Commission web services using a single email address and password.

Education and Training Monitor: how to use one of the biggest annual reports in European education

The Education and Training Monitor is the European Commission’s annual flagship analysis of the state of play in education in the European Union. The Monitor reports on the EU-level targets that are part of the EU’s long-term strategic framework in education. In addition, the Monitor focuses on a “lead theme”. This tutorial will take you through the Monitor’s main features and show you how to apply them in your work.
Policy development

Understanding media literacy and disinformation

With everyone from students to teachers relying on digital technologies in their day-to-day lives, especially during the pandemic, the need for media literacy is more prevalent than ever. This tutorial will explore some helpful resources on media literacy and disinformation.
Media literacy

How can artificial intelligence be embedded in education?

As a result of new technological advances, artificial intelligence (AI) is now becoming a bigger part of everyday life, including education. What would an artificially intelligent classroom look like? In this article, we give a short introduction to AI and explain how it can be slowly integrated into the classroom.
Online learning
Digital tools
Illustration of a classroom with 4 pupils and 1 teacher

Get started with blended learning: how it works in practice, where and how learning takes place

Blended learning is not a new approach in school education, but it gained attention and was introduced during the school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure learning continuity and keep students engaged and motivated. In this article, we will give a short introduction to blended learning, hoping to inspire teachers to test and find a blend that suits their learners.
Digital tools
Distance learning
Learning space
Online learning

Learn to connect and reflect with cultural heritage

Teachers are eager to talk about cultural heritage with their students, but there is strikingly little theoretical knowledge about what culture means and how it relates to children’s development. This tutorial highlights some resources and approaches that will put the subject in context.
Learning space
Cultural heritage
Cultural diversity
Illustration with an open laptop and two people sitting on it, with a speech bubble "open source"

Open Source Software: how to use it in school and aid society in one go

School education and Open Source Software (OSS): at first, these might seem like oil and water. We might think of OSS as something for developers and “technology wizards”. But schools have practical reasons to use OSS, and arguably a societal duty to do so. In this tutorial, you will find out more about A) what OSS is and B) how it should feature in your school or classroom.
Digital tools
Media literacy