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European School Education Platform
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Construct Europe 2024

In spring 2024, Belgium will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The city of Mechelen will celebrate this with a grand cultural and socially-oriented city festival. The city of Mechelen also has 4 eTwinning ambassadors. They, together with the city council, decided to involve education in this city festival and make a strong commitment to eTwinning in primary and secondary education during the 2023-2024 school year. In this project we connect schools from the city of Mechelen through eTwinning with European partnerschools. Schools of the region of Mechelen work together with schools all over Europe!



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Construct Europe: City walk

With the support of eTwinning and Construct Europe, we were able to create a city walk in Mechelen with some of the results of our project. You can see posters and postcards at several windows in our city center.



Our postcards are traveling. Lovely to see where they arrived!



Our project is mentioned as an inspirational project on the news part of ESEP. 

We are very grateful for this nice article.

Last activity

Today we launched our last activity. We will create European postcards with wishes for our partnercountries. And we will also send some cards by post to eachother. Let's hope we can have some beautiful results!

So we celebrate European day on the 9th of May!



Registering to vote in France

The European elections will take place in France on 9 June 2024. Anyone aged 18 or over has until May 3 to register on the electoral rolls to be able to cast a vote on 9 June 2024. This registration will also enable French citizens to vote by proxy.

More information ...

Not a partner, but interested in our project?


You can read our project description and some dissemination results on the different public pages of this website.

To respect the privacy of our students, we keep our detailed activity pages closed for publiic.

In the picture

Even the newspapers are getting interested in our project. In Belgium some regional newspapers are spreading the word about our project and the activities.


We created a dissemination part on our Twinspace to collect our dissemination results.



European heroes

Spring is looking around the corner and we are starting our 3th activity about European heroes. Lovely to see how our partnerschools are debating in Flip and discovering signs of Europe.

Also lovely to see how students start meeting eachother, even in real life!


Collaboration activities

To support hte partners we prepare some collaboration activities. Teachers can collaborate with their classes doing a Gimkit quiz or making a contribution to the Gift a poem action.

We hope students can meet eachother during online meetings and work together!


Construct Europe

This is the public page of Construct Europe, a big European project connected to the city festival in Mechelen.

We want to show you here some results of our project. 

We have to respect the privacy of all the teachers and students in this project, so the details of the activities are on hidden pages.

But you can be sure: You will here from us during the next months!
