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Lesson plans that empower learners

Lesson plans

Lesson plans that empower learners

A carefully selected collection of quality teaching materials has been created by the participants of the Unlocking The Power of Teachers’ Digital Competence: “Empowering Learners” online course on EU Academy.
Kids silhouette in a field, playing
Image credit: Zurijeta via Canva

The online course ran between July and September 2024 and is still available for browsing. As part of the course, participants designed a learning activity promoting individual and collaborative learning in synchronous and asynchronous formats using digital technologies. Throughout the course, participants learned how to empower learners by enabling personalised, innovative learning experiences using digital technologies and ensuring accessibility.

The activities below have been reviewed and curated by the course coordinator. A big thank you to the authors:

Agnes Grunberg, Carla Donnini, Dragana Videnov, Evaggelia Sariggoli, Georgia Maneta, Giorgos Skoumpaflos, Kristina Cernei, Jessica Bongini and Romina Marchesani.

  • Age group: Upper primary, Lower and upper secondary education, 10-18
  • Subjects: all
  • Published by: European School Education Platform
  • Year: 2024
  • Languages available: English

Discover Easter Together

Age category: 15-17-year-olds

Person painting eggs

In this project, students aged 15-17 will explore Easter through research and collaboration. Working in pairs, they’ll create a 5-minute video on a chosen subtopic using digital tools. The task enhances critical thinking, communication, and digital skills, with peer feedback and teacher guidance. The project concludes with evaluations and an interactive online game.

Author: Agnes Grunberg

Download the "Discover Easter Together" activity plan

Interactive Learning of Animal Farm

Age category: 15-16-year-olds

People collaborating on a laptop

In this interactive learning project, students will explore George Orwell's Animal Farm through a blend of individual and collaborative tasks. Over the course of several months, students will complete weekly activities using digital tools to enhance their understanding of the novel's themes, vocabulary, and historical context. They will create memory games, write news articles, and practice grammar skills individually, while working together to build an engaging Kahoot quiz and design an escape room inspired by the novel. This activity fosters creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking, bringing Orwell’s classic to life in a dynamic, tech-driven way.

Author: Carla Donnini

Download the "Interactive Learning of Animal Farm" activity plan

Global Citizens

Age category: 10-14-year-olds

Child in a field

In this project-based learning activity, students aged 10 to 14 will explore global issues such as climate change, deforestation, and poverty. Working individually and in small teams, students will research their chosen topic, create multimedia presentations or infographics, and collaboratively develop a virtual escape room to raise awareness. Through both synchronous and asynchronous activities, they will use various digital tools for communication, collaboration, and reflection, while engaging with international peers to discuss solutions and present their final projects. The activity fosters creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork.

Author: Dragana Videnov

Download the "Global Citizens" activity plan

Designing a Sustainable Community

Age category: 15-16-year-olds

Kid and grandma working in the garden

In "Designing a Sustainable Community," students aged 15-16 will create a sustainable community that balances environmental, social, and economic needs. They will research green technologies and eco-friendly practices while applying design thinking principles to address real-world challenges.

Author: Evaggelia Sariggoli

Download the "Designing a Sustainable Community" activity plan

Pollution of the Environment

Age category: 11-12-year-olds

People picking up a bottle on the beach

In this engaging activity, Year 5 Primary School students (aged 11) will explore environmental pollution and protection strategies through interactive sessions using Curipod. They will learn about the causes and effects of pollution, enhance their vocabulary, and discuss actionable steps to mitigate environmental harm. In collaborative groups, students will create a promotional poster or leaflet for a school-organized environmental activity, such as a beach cleanup. The activity concludes with an asynchronous exit ticket, where students interact with a chatbot created on Mizou, reinforcing their understanding of the topic and empowering them to become advocates for environmental protection.

Author: Georgia Maneta

Download the "Pollution of the Environment" activity plan

History-Social Science

Age category: 12-13-year-olds

Greek statue

In this dynamic learning activity for 7th grade students, participants will explore the Greek-Persian War of the 5th century B.C. through a blend of asynchronous and synchronous learning experiences. Initially, students will engage with a video on Padlet, allowing them to study key concepts, such as the war's battles, leaders, and underlying political and economic causes, at their own pace. They will interact with peers by posting comments and questions, fostering collaborative learning. In the synchronous phase, students will work in breakout groups on the Webex platform to delve deeper into different perspectives of the war, culminating in presentations created with tools like PowerPoint or Canva. The activity concludes with a Kahoot game, allowing students to review and assess their understanding in an engaging way, reinforcing both their historical knowledge and digital presentation skills.

Author: Giorgos Skoumpaflos

Download the "History-Social Science" activity plan

School Video Showcase

Age category: 16-17 year-olds

Screen of a digital camera

In this engaging project-based activity, 20 high school students aged 17 will collaborate in groups to create informative videos presenting their school to partner schools through the eTwinning platform. The activity combines synchronous and asynchronous learning, where students will first review relevant vocabulary and concepts related to their school at their own pace using digital resources on Google Classroom. In group sessions, they will select topics, write scripts, and film their videos, fostering language skills, collaboration, and problem-solving. Advanced learners will enhance the project by developing quizzes using Kahoot! to engage partner schools further. Students will share and provide feedback on each other's videos on Padlet, promoting inclusivity and teamwork while improving their digital literacy skills.

Author: Jessica Bongini

Download the "School Video Showcase" activity plan

Language Level Up with Duolingo

Age category: 14-16 year-olds

Duolingo mascotte

In this engaging two-week activity, students aged 14-16 will enhance their language skills through the Duolingo application, combining individual practice with collaborative learning experiences. The challenge begins with a synchronous kickoff meeting to introduce the goals and strategies for success. Participants will commit to at least 30 minutes of daily Duolingo practice, while also engaging in weekly collaborative discussions and activities through a dedicated Duolingo Club. Weekly progress reports will track their growth, aiming for a minimum 10% increase in proficiency scores. Synchronous sessions throughout the challenge will include progress reviews and interactive breakout activities, fostering teamwork and peer support. The culmination of the challenge features a wrap-up session for reflection and future goal setting, celebrating participants’ achievements with certificates of completion. This activity promotes language proficiency while encouraging communication, collaboration, and a supportive learning community.

Author: Kristina Cernei

Download the "Language Level Up with Duolingo" activity plan

Designing a Vision Care Awareness Campaign

Age category: 15-18+-year-olds

Reading glasses

In the "Designing a Vision Care Awareness Campaign" activity, upper secondary vocational program students in optics will explore essential vision care topics asynchronously through Nearpod, engaging with videos and quizzes to build foundational knowledge about the eye's anatomy and the role of opticians. Students will conduct individual research on specific vision care topics and create engaging infographics or presentations using Canva, which will be peer-reviewed on Wakelet. The collaborative aspect will involve synchronous sessions where students will use Miro or Mural to design a vision care awareness campaign in real time, creating promotional materials and presenting their work via Nearpod for immediate feedback. Finally, students will reflect on their learning experiences and evaluate their peers' campaigns through Padlet, integrating individual and collaborative learning while enhancing creativity, communication, and teamwork through various digital tools.

Author: Romina Marchesani

Download the "Designing a Vision Care Awareness Campaign" activity plan


Image credits: Except where otherwise stated, all pictures come from and

Additional information

  • Age from:
  • Age to:
  • Education type:
    School Education
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)