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European School Education Platform


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Projects (157291)

Δοκιμαστικό έργο

Children learn about the types of winds, and what they are called in different languages. Children develop different activities to use airflow and propose one activity to their partners to play during...

This international project will be carried out by two VET schools from France and Croatia and a general education school from Sweden. It combines cultural exchange, language learning, and peace...

In this project we will work on the (non)representation of women and (ethnic, sexual …) minorities analysing how these people are represented e.g. in parliament, in businesses but also in street or...

The intention of the project is to design and make our own playing cards which would be later used to play the well known quartet card game according to the usual principle - colleting four cards of...

This is a penpal project. Two classes from Germany and two classes from French Guiana are going to send each others letters/messages.

Our project focuses on enhancing students' education in climate change and programming by integrating innovative, hands-on teaching methods. We aim to deepen students' understanding of environmental...

Sagen und Märchen wirken als kreative Übertragung von Werten. Das Hinterfragen von Grundwerten in einer erfundenen Realität des Mythos' lenkt den Fokus auf demokratische Werte in einer aktiven Rolle...