Our Acrostic Poem Written by Our Mixed Teams
Our Acrostic Poem
http://meetingwords.com/gk7UWF0LrA Meetingwords server gives an error, but we managed to create our poem.
(1st TEAM: Responsible Teachers: Gökhan AYAZ,LOURDES BOZZINO
Studiends: Diego Leon, Engin vtal, Ceylin VTAL Aybüke Fatih Fatmanaz Ş)
(2ND TEAM Responsible Teacher: Emel ERDOĞAN, Studiends : Beril Ö, Meryem Y, PASTORA FERNANDEZ, Sibo VTAL, Roman S, Yağmur Ö, Emine A)
(3RD TEAM Responsible Teacher: Seyhan PULLUKÇU, Studiends:Simgebist, MARCOS SARMIENTO, Abdülhamit Fatih, fatma bist, Ravza yedi, A.Eymen Fatih, Hazal B)
(4TH TEAM Responsible Teacher: Burak ASLAN Studiends: Ayşe B O, E.Mert Fatih, Berfin VTAL, Ömer VTAL,Bahar 2 Fatih,Ceylin VTAL)
(5 TH TEAM Responsible Teachers: Meltem AKYOL, Mehmet Halil DURBAŞ Studiends: EDUARDO LOPEZ, Feyzali, Abdül baki, LAURA ZAMBRANO, Samet can, Cemre yora)
(6 TH TEAM Responsible Teacher: Gönül İRİŞ Studiends: Yiğithan M, Efe Y, Gökten D, Lütfü YK, Semih N A)
W here the skys are blue and the people are wonderful (Diego Leon)
H ere, right here.The place that in my heart.(EnginVTAL)
E veryone smiles with adorable eyes.(Ceylin VTAL)
R ainbow comes from our hearts (Engin VTAL)
E levated views from towering skyscrapers,Illuminated by neon lights at night. (Aybüke Fatih)
D ifferent schools come together in joy (Fatmanaz Ş)
O pinions are together, now.(Ceylin VTAL)
I like discovering the history of the cities.(Beril Ö)
Long beautiful beaches and high mountains surround my country (Meryem Y.)
İ n a very special place where the sun is always shining (PASTORA FERNANDEZ)
V alleys add color to my city (Sibo VTAL)
E ach of the activities is well organized (Roman S)
H istory, nature and all interest that attract me (Yağmur Ö)
I like discovering the beauties of the cities. (Emine A)
W aves crash along Turkey's Western coast(Simgebist)
H istory and traditions will guide you around this wonderful city (MARCOS SARMIENTO)
E ager footsteps echo in the alleys, (Abdülhamit Fatih )
R ife with historical natural and cultural wonders Turkey beckons (fatma bist)
E xcited to learn about different ways (Ravza yedi)
D reaming of a place where my heart feels strong.(A.Eymen Fatih)
O h my God. I couldn't find where this place is .(Hazal B.)
I like discovering the tastes of the cities. (Ayşe B O)
L iving not just in a house, but a home that's alive, (E.Mert Fatih)
İ nside I 've been where I live and where I travel (Berfin VTAL)
V aluable places look adorable (Ömer VTAL)
E verywhere I go, it's where I live and believe.(Bahar 2Fatih)
H appily exploring, we roam (Ceylin VTAL)
i nhaling the fresh air as we make our way(EDUARDO LOPEZ)
W e meet on the basis of friendship (Feyzali)
H ow nice it is to meet new friends (Abdül baki)
E mbracing each other despite the distance (LAURA ZAMBRANO)
R especting cultures brightening our days (Samet can)
E ast west north south very beautiful cities (Cemre yora)
W aterfalls flow while birds sing ( Yiğithan M.)
H earts shine like stars. (Efe Y.)
E mbodied minds meet in our combined friendship (Gökten D.)
R est somewhere...they come together (Lütfü YK)
E verytime single being fascinated in the beauty of natüre.(Semih NA)
Our acrostic poem activity products

Emel ERDOĞAN, Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE

Emel ERDOĞAN, Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE
Seyhan Pullukçu /Fatih İS Science And Art Center

our final product-Gökhan AYAZ-Şehit Soner Yıldırım BİST MTAL-Trabzon/TURKEY

Emel ERDOĞAN, Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE


Emel Erdoğan Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE
We wrote an acrostic poem with meetingwords web 2 tool
Gönül İriş- Piri Reis Anatolian High School(Team 6)

1.stTeam (Engin VTAL)Emel Erdoğan Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School
We made pictures of our poem with artificial intelligence using web tools.

Burak ASLAN-- Ali Rıza Yılmaz Ortaokulu
As the 4th team, we present a Spanish translation of part of the poem.

Emel Erdoğan Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/Türkiye
Meetingwords server gives an error, but we managed to create our poem.

Emel ERDOĞAN, Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE
Our acrostic poem became a song using Suno.ai Web.3 tools
2nd:SiboVTAL,Emel ERDOĞAN, Vedat Topçuoğlu Anatolian High School Gaziantep/TÜRKİYE
Our song turned out great. Here it is!!! song turned out great. Here it is!!!