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European School Education Platform

Our house, in the middle of tech wonders

"Our house, in the middle of tech wonders" is a bilateral project between Germany and Greece based on the collaboratively creation of wonderfully fabulous future dream house. Children work together in transnational teams to create each and every room of their collective dream house. Students think of machines/ mechanisms/robots/gadgets that could make their life (or their family’s) easier and more fun in that room. They draw it conventionally or digitally and post it on the canvas. Their project partners add a short text describing the machine/mechanism/robot/gadget drawn. For instance, a desk with a built in machine that does our homework for us, a dog washing machine in the hallway, a house with a machine that automatically collects dirty laundry and a robot for cleaning up, a couch with a sweets dispenser, a robot that cooks our favourite food for us, a chair that transports us to our favourite European country... We want to show you what our fabulous house of wonders can do.
Created on
3 members
National Quality Label


Greece(2), Germany(1)
Age range: