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Green Computing for Greener Earth



Created by Iva Naranđa
Last updated by Iva Naranđa 1 year 8 months ago

Project e-Safety Rules


(Note: Please do not edit or change this page)




Dear partners,

we will create e-safety rules for our project. For this, you can share your ideas in the forums section. (Please pay attention to the e-safety rules when adding your students to the project.)



Our e-Safety rules have been created with the contributions of our project partners.


1- All partners are required to know and abide by the "eTwinning Code of Conduct".

2- A signed permit can be obtained from the parents for the students participating in the project.

3- When adding students to Twinsapce, their real names and surnames should not be used. (Example: Green-cro1, Green-cro2, TR Ayşe, TR Zeynep)

4- Students' faces should not be visible in photos and videos used for project activities.

5- Students should be informed about their Twinspace accounts and personal passwords. Necessary warnings should be given to students not to share their Twinspace account information with others.

6- Students should not use their own photos as their Twinspace profile picture. Instead, they can use avatar images they have created.

7- Attention should be paid to copyrights in images and music used in project activities.

8- All project members are required to follow nettiquette.
   * Be friendly, polite, and engaging.
   * Use respectful language (all caps = yelling)
   * Use neutral words and avoid those that might cause offense. Your  values and background might be different from the person you’re speaking to.
   * To make your thoughts clearer, use “irony punctuation” or emojis to make clear your feelings.
   * Respect other people’s privacy.
   * Don't share personal data. 

9- Personal data should not be shared.

10- Do not forget to log out of your Twinspace account when you are finished with your work.

11- Don't create a negative environment in forum discussions.

12- Make sure that the device you log into Twinspace has the necessary security infrastructures.

13- Teachers and students should not disclose any sensitive and private information about themselves or other members.

14- Teachers and students should respect diversity, different political and religious matters.


Project eSafety Rules Posters






Our project is carried out according to the "eTwinning Code of Conduct".


More information about the "eTwinning Code of Conduct" can be found at this link: eTwinning Code of Conduct


Our project is carried out in accordance with e-safety and copyrights rules. 





eSafety Label is a Europe-wide accreditation and support service for schools, aiming to provide a secure and enriching environment, for safe access to online technology as part of the teaching and learning experience.



For more information about eSafety you can visit the "eSafety Label" website: 


Our project partners support "Safer Internet Day" events. 


You can visit the website to learn more about "Safer Internet Day". Link:


Project "Safer Internet Day" Poster:


Dear partners, you can share the e-safety applications you have made in your school during the project process on this Wakelet. Please add your school's e-safety works by writing your name and school.


Wakelet edit link: e-Safety Applications In Our Schools 

Wakelet view link: