Marijampolės Petro Armino progimnazija, Lithuania
It is written about our project on our school internet page.
Pupils in grade 5 continue their work in eTwinning. In March, they and 11 other project partners created a digital magazine to commemorate International Forest Day, which is celebrated on March 21. In it, students wrote articles about forests, their safety, paper and tips on how to save it ??
Project coordinator G. Avižienienė?
Republican eTwinningConference in Lithuania
On June 1, the Remote Republican Conference was held
"Fostering creativity, digital literacy, ecological thinking and intercultural knowledge during eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects", organized by Edita Grubienė and Gražina Avižienienė.
During the conference, 13 teachers from all over Lithuania shared good practices in organizing and implementing eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects.
Gražina Avižienienė shared the activities carried out by the project.
The last activity with students - online meeting. We were playing collaborative Kahoot about the project.