(Note: Please do not edit or change this page)
Dear partners, May activities for our project:
*eTwinning Day events: As part of the eTwinning Day events, we will create an AnswerGarden for our students. We will ask our students "What does eTwinning mean to you?" Our students will share their ideas in one word in this AnswerGarden. Also, each school will add their events for "eTwinning Day" to the Wakelet on this page.
Page link:eTwinning Day 2023
*Final survey: We will conduct the final survey to see our progress since the beginning of our project. The final survey will consist of questions from the pre-survey that we answered in September. All students and teachers participating in our project will answer the final survey.
The deadline to answer the final survey is May 26.
When the survey is completed, the results will be shared by the project founders and a pre-survey and final survey report will be prepared in cooperation with the project partner teachers. For this report, teachers will write their opinions in the forum discussion.
Page link: Final Survey & Results & Report
Forum link: Final Survey & Results & Report
*Project Evaluation: We will conduct two separate surveys for students and teachers in the project evaluation. For these student and teacher questionnaire, each teacher will propose 1 or 2 questions. The questions will be added to the table prepared with Google Docs.
The deadline to add your question proposals is May 14.
The project evaluation questionnaire will be prepared with Google Forms by the project founders in line with the proposed questions. Project students and teachers will answer the evaluation questionnaire by the end of May.
The deadline for answering the evaluation questionnaire is 31 May.
Once the evaluation is complete, the results will be shared by the project founders with Google Slides. According to the results of the project evaluation questionnaire, a project evaluation report will be prepared in cooperation with the project partner teachers. For this report, teachers will write their opinions in the forum discussion.
Page link: Project Evaluation & Results & Report
Forum link: Project Evaluation & Results & Report
* Extra activity (participation is optional): Creating quizes, games and puzzles using Digital Magazine No5 content (Kahoot, Learning Apps games). For this, we will form international student teams. Each partner will choose which activity they want to take part in. Then, the names of the students who will take part in the team will be written on the table (Google Docs) to create the teams. Students from different countries on the same team will collaborate to create a Kahoot, Learning Apps games.
Page links:
- Extra Activity - International Student Teams
- Quiz 5 - Earth Day & How Technology Can Help The Earth?
- Learning Apps Games - Earth Day & How Technology Can Help The Earth?