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Erasmus+ and eTwinning partner-finding event| Inclusion, special needs & special education

The Dutch National Agency Erasmus+ and the Dutch National Support Organisation eTwinning organises an interactive Erasmus+ and eTwinning partner-finding event on the 18th of June. We are organising the event together with the Sector Council for Specialised Education and the Education Support Centre for Tailored Education.

Ended: 18.06.2024, 4:30 PM Europe/Brussels time (Europe/Brussels)
Duration: 2 hours

Event information


The aim of the event is to facilitate partner-finding between Dutch primary and secondary (special) education institutions and partner organisations from different European countries. We have noticed that institutions that work with pupils with special needs and/or want to make their educational practice more inclusive, have difficulties in finding partner organisations for Erasmus+ projects. 



15.30: Opening and Introduction

15.40 - 15.55: What are the differences in education systems across various European countries regarding specialised and inclusive education?

15.55 - 16.25: eTwinning: How to find partner organisations for your project?

16.25 - 16.30: Break 

16:30 – 17:25: Speed ​​dates: 3 rounds

17.25 – 17.30: Closing

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience:
    Teacher, Head Teacher / Principal
  • Target audience country:
    Belgium, Germany, Spain
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
    Upper secondary education (ISCED 3)