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European School Education Platform

Adventure in Nature

Adventure in Nature aims at advertising the values of the natural environment. The young in our times spend a lot of time in front of various screens. In the times of remote education we have been working in confined spaces. The World Health Organization estimates on disease prevention through a healthy environment, environmental stressors account for 12-18% of all deaths in 53 countries of the WHO region including Europe. Improving the quality of living in key areas such as air, water and noise can prevent disease and improve health condition. The research confirms that many children do not meet the criteria for daily physical activity. For all of us, regardless of latitude and longitude, the healthy development of children should be priority. Active life is health, and practicing it contributes not only to the improvement of the psychophysical condition of the youngest, but also supports the development of social and educational features. In our project, the goal is to use natural landscapes for the physical activity in every season not only in the project lifetime. Let's be enthusiasts of adventuring in the neighbourhood. Our activities will show what kinds of interesting places are worth discovering in the nearest area, and how to use them for our activity. The school trips will greatly diversify education. We want to find sports inspiration close to home like hiking and walks in the nearby woods, bicycle tours and water activities. We can spend time actively and experience adventures just around the corner of our house. Let's be active in adventure in nature. We think it is very important to develop the students' awareness of nature and environment. Thanks to the project meetings we believe our pupils will get more concerned about problems of different ground. Sharing experience will enlarge the number of actions to take and will open the youth’s minds to what is happening in different parts of the continent. Therefore, it will lead us all to get to know European countries better. This will create a huge lesson of transcultural competence.
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5 members


Italy(2), Poland(1), Slovakia(1), Cyprus(1)
Age range: