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European School Education Platform

Let's Explore the Secure Internet

Today's children and young people are many adults different from the world he grew up in they are growing up in a world. Information communication technologies are constantly and that it changes quickly and in this world where it is renewed, children and young people technology intensively their use and their time most of them online as due to their passing the roles of families are changing. The basis that is against their children family responsibilities as well as families to their children negative internet habits if they do not acquire, the technology supporting their education in a way that is productive and convenient the way they use it, digital safely at the borders navigation, basic cyber acquiring life skills and responsible global as digital citizens guidance for their upbringing they should.The development of children and compliance with the requirements of the age for children on the Internet banning their access is effective it is not a method. Important what is their many advantages the technology found and The Internet is effective, efficient, convenient and how to responsibly about what they can use it is to be a guide. Your children's online should follow their activities, making appropriate choices and the choices they made realizing the consequences he must ensure their arrival, as well as who controls and advises you must be. Within the scope of our project, it is aimed that our students acquire safe internet usage and the most effective use of the Internet for their education.
Created on
11 members


Turkey(3), Romania(3), Greece(2), Poland(1), Croatia(1), Georgia(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching:
Key competences: