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European School Education Platform

Edu- paths

The project´s aim is to highlight, protect and promote each country’s cultural heritage, natural beauty, tourist attractions as well as using all gathered information in an educational environment. Going out of the classroom to the towns, old factories, castles, agricultural dwellings, mountains, parks, meadows or gardens we will guide students through the process of active and engaging learning with strong connection to their history and culture. The project will give our students a thorough insight into nature and culture and help them see heritage as our common good which we all have to look after. Given the great diversity of their geographical locations, each partner will research and share its own environment as it follows: Spain: Industry Slovakia: Agricultural/ natural paths Iceland: Ecotourism France: History Due to the fact that each school specialises in particular subjects each one will introduce a different edge to the project.
Created on
5 members


Spain(2), Slovakia(1), France(1), Iceland(1)
Age range: