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European School Education Platform
STAND, Erasmus+ (SupporTing continued Access to educatioN enhancing schools' Digital readiness)

STAND, Erasmus+ (SupporTing continued Access to educatioN enhancing schools' Digital readiness)

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing inequalities in the education sector: around seven million children, 0.5% of all the world’s learners, dropped out of school in 2020 due to the pandemic (World Bank, 2020). The school systems, and namely teachers and school staff, tried to reshape methods for learning, in a short time and without tailored expertise, when shifting from the traditional learning to the e-learning modes. Some students lost their lessons and school interaction, especially those coming from disadvantaged households. In 2020, students suffered learning losses of about 10% more compared to the average trend in recent years (OECD, 2020). A new need has emerged to digitally power-up the school system to face new challenges, by equipping the whole school community with proper competences to deal with this change. In this context, STAND will address the following target groups’ needs: - Teachers, and staff from primary and lower secondary schools’ need of targeted ICT/digital support and new training opportunities to acquire digital competences and deal with distance learning, teaching and bureaucratic activities; - Students’ (aged 6-12) need to be granted equal access to education and protection against future risk of social exclusion and the risks linked to the virtual world; - Families’ need for basic digital skills and tools to support their children in distance learning and homework.
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