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European School Education Platform

"I learn through your eyes and you through mine"

"I learn through your eyes and you through mine" Hello everyone, I am Carmelo Cantarella and I teach mathematics and physics at the Domenico Berti Lyceum in Turin (Italy). The class group consists of students from the Liceo Linguistico, Liceo Scienze Umane, Liceo Economico-Sociale and proposes twinning with the partner school identified through the tools available in the E-Twinning Platform in order to create an "ethical exchange". Through which the students of the connected schools will be able to make" Travels "of knowledge of the places and of the culture of the other, remaining within the objectives of the Agenda 2030. (, ( . The goal is to realize a contact with the partner school and to agree on the program to be carried out within the themes of the Agenda 2030. The connected classes will have to "know others" and "make themselves known by others" by exchanging experiences made in their own reality through periodic Video-C
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14 members


Turkey(5), France(3), Italy(2), Poland(1), Croatia(1), Armenia(1), Serbia(1)
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