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European School Education Platform

Co-Make - Compuational Thinking in Early Childhood Education

Co-Make is an Erasmus+ project focusing on learning in a digital world with the mind-set of computational thinking, maker skills and creativity. The project is based on pre-shools with children from 3-6 years of age. It includes both learning authorities and pre-schools in The Netherlands, Finland, England, Sweden and Denmark. Around 35 professionals are invovled from all partner countries and they are both working with professional training and action based learning with the childrne in each their pre-school in three different "learnathons". The first learnathon is called #First-meeting and is a story about a child and a robot meeting each other and they want to communicate. The story is based from the logo of this project. The project Group aim to communicate all of the learning form the learnathons on this Twinspace and look forward to collaborate over the coming three years of the project period.
Created on
27 members


Netherlands(8), Sweden(7), Denmark(6), United Kingdom(3), Finland(3)
Age range:
up to 3