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European School Education Platform

Give me your hand, my friend!

Friendship is the best and most important professional development among people. People know each other faster and closer, understand and connect each other by making friendship. People with different languages, religions, races and cultures get along more easily with friendship. At the same time, people are different even if they live in the same country. Not everyone can be healthy, provided with everything, lucky, have an opportunity to read or write or a success. Bud everybody is human being and people should know value of each other. This is what people should know and learn when they are still children. Nowadays, there are many wars in the world. If every child in the world says : " GIVE ME YOUR HAND, MY FRIEND!" and unites with each other, the peace will dominate in the world, which is the home of all us. This is my target in this project to gather children eTwinning country and be able to help to establish the peace all over the world.
Created on
88 members
National Quality Label


Turkey(39), Azerbaijan(22), Romania(4), Germany(2), Finland(2), Poland(2), Spain(2), Albania(2), Portugal(2), Lithuania(1), Ireland(1), North Macedonia(1), Czech Republic(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Cyprus(1), Georgia(1), Bulgaria(1), Norway(1), France(1), Ukraine(1)
Age range:
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