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European School Education Platform
Explore and Embrace

Explore & Embrace

In our interconnected world, international mobility has become a common aspect of our daily lives. Many individuals travel to various destinations for business or leisure, effortlessly traversing borders and encountering different cultures. However, this experience is not universal, and there are countless young people living in culturally diverse environments who have limited exposure to the broader world due to a lack of interaction with their global peers. This eTwinning project aspires to bridge this cultural gap and cultivate open-mindedness among young people from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is to minimize the cultural barriers that often separate us, fostering a greater sense of global understanding and unity. Through this initiative, we intend to create a dynamic platform for students to engage with their peers from other countries, exchange experiences, and embark on a journey of cultural discovery. By bringing together schools from various parts of Europe, we seek to instill a spirit of curiosity and empathy in the next generation. Our project will encourage students to explore and appreciate the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our global community. Through collaborative activities, language exchanges, and shared experiences, we hope to equip our participants with the skills and perspectives necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. We believe that this project will not only enable students to embrace the differences that define our world but also recognize the common threads that unite us all as global citizens. It's an opportunity for young minds to break down barriers, expand their horizons, and contribute to a more inclusive and harmonious future.
Created on
10 members


Turkey(2), Romania(1), Portugal(1), Slovenia(1), North Macedonia(1), Georgia(1), Serbia(1), Spain(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: