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European School Education Platform

A Musical Journey

The English lessons taught to us in schools since our childhood are actually in our entire education life and aim to prepare us for the next periods of our lives. According to researches, learning a new language enables individuals to think more consciously and improve their memory by changing their brain structures. But there is a question in mind. How will we learn it? Of course, learning must be permanent. So I choose the learning the language with music. Music is the combination of sounds and rhythms in a certain harmony and conveying feelings and thoughts to the other party. In this project, we will use music, one of these communication tools, to learn the English language. Music also teaches culture. Songs provide insight into the culture of that language, how people who speak that language think and feel. Familiarity with the culture facilitates communication with people who speak that language. In this project, we will teach English by designing games, singing songs, translating songs and other activities. We will use the music for cultrure interaction. To do it, we will create a book that includes each partners' own music culture. We will ensure integration with the school curriculum and our students participate educational online activities. At the end of the project, we hope that the English learning method blended with music will be a model for other teachers in teaching English and the music will be loved even more with the activities.
Created on
25 members
National Quality Label
European Quality Label


Turkey(9), Greece(3), Georgia(2), Italy(2), Bulgaria(2), Azerbaijan(1), Lithuania(1), Romania(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Republic of Moldova(1), Poland(1), Ukraine(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching:
Key competences: