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European School Education Platform
Cornelio's Aqueduct in Termini Imerese

Let's go sightseeing! Tracing our past... Shaping our future

Despite the visible differences in language, customs, religion, etc., European peoples have common cultural roots, traces of which can be found in the intangible and material cultural heritage that has come down to us. Therefore the project aims to take students on a journey around Europe, through history and art, with particular reference to their cities or regions, in order to find in monuments, vestiges of the past, in literary testimonies, in myth, in food, those cultural values that unite peoples only apparently very different. Finding common cultural roots means identifying the foundations for building a common home, the European home, where differences do not disappear, but "meet" and become an opportunity for enrichment for the European citizens of tomorrow. Students become young tourist guides who virtually take their peers from other countries to their school, their city and their region. So what began as a journey into the past becomes a path to the future, a future of peace, tolerance, acceptance and friendship.
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3 members
