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European School Education Platform
Green ideas for green actions

Green Action for a Green Future

The project is linked to Goal 13 “Climate Action” (Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development). All the countries in the world are impacted by the destructive effects of climate change, so action is urgently needed. The pupils will learn what is meant by climate change starting from what is happening or has happened in a short period of time in the geographical area they live in. They will reflect on the extreme heat waves which hit us in the summer, the droughts which oblige masses of people to leave their lands and wild animals to move in search of water and food, the destructive floods which sweep away houses and the people's economies. The activities proposed help students realise how global warming resulting from climate change impacts the Earth and encourage them to take action to make the world a better place to live in. Gaining awareness and feeling a greater sense of responibility the students will want to spread the knowledge they gained about the issue of climate change in their schools and local communities. There will be theoretical classroom learning and a lot of hands-on activities and sharing of good practice and ideas for climate action.
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