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European School Education Platform

'Reimagine your Future ' via Entrepreneurship Games

In this project we are aimed at making our students aware of their entrepreneurship skills , motivate them and develop their entrepreneurship abilities via gamification activities by addressing all kinds of students both introvert & extrovert learners.To achieve this we plan to prepare different kinds of activities by using virtual learning and social learning environment in a real life learning atmosphere. Entrepreneurship can be complex to teach.People perceive it as a start-up oriented topic exclusively for born entrepreneurs and approach it with bias.Games help us break them and make learning more effective: whether you are a child or an adult, playfulness is essential for developing social and cognitive skills. In this project we aimed at designing games tackling real-life challenges such as decision making in business working life's that you can teach entrepreneurship through play.
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42 members


Italy(6), France(5), Turkey(5), Croatia(3), Portugal(3), Latvia(2), Spain(2), Georgia(2), Poland(2), Serbia(2), Belgium(2), Slovenia(1), Germany(1), Ukraine(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Republic of Moldova(1), Czech Republic(1), Finland(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range: