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European School Education Platform

European Day of Languages (EDL) Challenge 2020

Students are presented with a 5-day challenge related to European Day of Languages. They will have to post each challenge at the end of the day in 5 consecutive days. The project includes several teachers from different countries and they teach different languages. The purpose of the project is to show the students the different languages thaught in the European Union and also the difference or particularities of each language. At the same time we intend to make students more open to learning languages and to accepting the differences of their counterparts. Students will be the active part of the project once the challenges will be presented. At the end of the project, on 26th of September, each teacher together with students taking part in the challenge will make a video for their peers using the language they learn and also their native tongue.
Created on
12 members


Romania(3), Turkey(3), Poland(2), France(1), Hungary(1), Italy(1), Portugal(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: