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European School Education Platform

Think globally, act locally!- Investigating the impact of globalization on the environment and our lives

Everyone is living in a “global village”: Geographical distances and time differences can be overcome through modern technology; email and social networks allow us to connect virtually with people as if they were living next door. It is possible today for individuals and groups of people to buy and sell products all over the world, to travel to any place and to exchange information across the planet. We benefit from globalization on a technological, political, social, cultural and economic level. The advantages of the global network are great; but challenges that come with it must not be underestimated. For once, globalization has a huge impact on the environment. Because of the increase in agriculture and industrialization our planet struggles with problems like deforestation, water pollution, depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and climate change. This project invites students to explore global challenges and share visions of our future living in the global village:  What
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5 members


Turkey(1), Germany(1), Romania(1), Denmark(1), Armenia(1)
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