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European School Education Platform

Culture Exchanging Platform

Culture exchanging between cities from different countries is a cultural-learning project designed by 2 of Sakıp Sabancı High School students that are going to make us learn each others’ city and country culture by providing cultural items, visual content, etc. What we are looking for in partners for this project is high schools. With this project supplying culture boxes sent by the country, you will present at your school will give you more information and items to use while doing that project. You can get information about the progress of the project on our page. To explain it shortly, on this project you will be matched with another city in a different country for both of you to represent each other. After you get matched, between a period you’ll send culture boxes that include cultural objects and information about your city and country. After all the attendants get their boxes, it’s time to do our presentations and share their photos, videos, and media with us!
Created on
12 members


Turkey(3), Poland(2), Spain(2), France(2), Italy(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Portugal(1)
Age range: