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European School Education Platform

Let’s make the Earth smile

Being able to take care of the environmnet, must be an essential component for moral, spiritual social and cultural development. Today, more than ever, educating all the citizens to think ecological not only it will affect tomorrow’s beneficiary but also the decision factor. The young ecological education is just as importan as the general knowledge education due to the fact the children will be able to gain knowledge about the environment. Children will also develop habits to care for the nature, and positive attituted and comportaments towards the environment. I consider that the school has access to multiple possibilities to realising a good ecological education in order to allow the children to materialise into forming a different behaviour pattern and to form an ecological culture.
Created on
41 members


Romania(22), Turkey(8), Republic of Moldova(6), Italy(2), Poland(1), Ukraine(1), France(1)
Age range:
up to 3