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European School Education Platform

...and health for all!

The present project will bring together 6 countries across Europe (Italy, Poland, Estonia,Sweden, Germany,Greece). Aimed at incorporating pedagogical lines regarding common aspects of our own cultures and within intercultural knowledge, the plurality of languages, social integration for refugees/immigrants entries, cuisine healthy traditions and sports. This will be achieved through multiple resources and tasks: recipes, healthy cooking tips, sporting and best use of leisure time and wealthy habits, games and innovative methods. As we live in a world overwhelmed with fast or junk food rather than healthy and quality food in our daily routines, children will discover the importance of balanced healthy eating and sport life. They will share their knowledge and compare healthy dishes and ways of spending their free time in positive, responsible ways. We will draw attention to the importance of sport activities both during lessons and by organizing sport and cooking complementary periods.
Created on
19 members


Poland(6), Greece(4), Sweden(4), Germany(3), Italy(2)
Age range: