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European School Education Platform

Don't Change the Climate;Change the System

It is urgent to raise awareness of the respect for the environment and adopt attitudes that favor the consumption of recyclable and reusable resources. The amount of all sorts of plastic which is produced in order to make life easier for humans is impressive. All we need to do is to just take a closer look around us to realize that we are flooded in plastic, which often takes hundreds of years to disintegrate. The problem gets worse if we consider that plastic comes from NAFTA, an oil derivative. So, looking carefully at everything around us, we find that we almost choke on plastic. However, are our students sufficiently aware of this problem? Our aim with this project is to alert students, and their families to this devastating problem; to make them reflect on everyday behaviors and actions, conscious or unconscious, but definitely aggressive to the environment. This topic fits into the globalizing theme of 2020 “Climate Change”
Created on
18 members
National Quality Label


Portugal(4), Turkey(3), Jordan(3), Bulgaria(1), Greece(1), Italy(1), Romania(1), Tunisia(1), Lebanon(1), Spain(1), North Macedonia(1)
Age range: