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European School Education Platform

TCA "Green Erasmus, green mobility, green schools"

This event aims at attracting newcomers to the Erasmus+ programme: Target groups are teachers or head teachers from schools in the field of general education (lower and upper secondary education / pupil age from 10 years onwards). Participants should be motivated to apply for (or cooperate on) an Erasmus+- project in 2021. The seminar is a contact seminar with the objective to start school mobility projects and eTwinning projects in the next Erasmus+-Programme (2021-2027). Seminar participants • will acquire the know-how to apply for a school mobility project under Key action 1 in the new Erasmus+ programme • will learn how to carry out a virtual project on the eTwinning platform • will be connected to teachers in other programme countries with similar interests who could be partners in future projects • will learn from best practice projects in the field of green Erasmus+ • will understand what makes a good quality project
Created on
75 members


Germany(34), Sweden(5), France(5), Belgium(5), Croatia(4), Romania(4), Netherlands(3), Finland(3), Lithuania(2), Cyprus(2), Norway(2), Austria(2), Bulgaria(1), Malta(1), Denmark(1), Slovakia(1)
Age range: