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European School Education Platform
art installations by using recycled materials
Third-party on-site course

Eco-Art: Sustainable Art Practices for Teachers (Barcelona, Spain)

Eco-Art is a form of artistic expression that aligns with ecological principles and aims to promote a deeper understanding of environmental issues. It involves creating artworks and engaging in artistic practices that are environmentally conscious, making use of sustainable materials and techniques to minimise ecological impact.

Next upcoming session:
05.08.2024 - 09.08.2024
Spain , Barcelona
I'm interested


  • Eco-Art: Sustainable Art Practices for Teachers is a comprehensive and engaging course designed to equip educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to integrate eco-art and green art practices into their teaching methodologies.
  • In educational settings, eco-art serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness about environmental sustainability among students. It encourages students to explore the relationship between art and the environment, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility and stewardship. By incorporating eco-art into the curriculum, teachers can provide students with hands-on experiences that connect artistic creativity with sustainable practices, inspiring them to take positive action to protect the planet.
  • By using sustainable resources, such as recycled materials, natural pigments, and biodegradable elements, eco-artists and educators can demonstrate the importance of responsible consumption and waste reduction. This aspect of eco-art in education helps students understand the value of conserving resources and reducing their environmental footprint, encouraging them to make conscious choices in their daily lives. Throughout the course, participants will be introduced to a wide range of pedagogical approaches and practical tools for integrating eco-art and green art into various educational settings.
  • You can also directly contact us by email: 

Learning objectives

  • Understanding Eco-Art Concepts: Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of eco-art and its significance within the context of environmental sustainability
  • Integrating Sustainable Resources: Teachers will learn to identify and utilise sustainable resources and materials in art projects and activities. 
  • Applying Green Art Techniques: Participants will acquire practical knowledge of various green art techniques, including up-cycling, compost art, and nature-inspired installations
  • Promoting Environmental Awareness: The course will equip educators with strategies to effectively communicate environmental messages through art.
  • Nurturing Creativity and Innovation: The course will emphasise the role of eco-art in stimulating creativity and innovative thinking.
  • Building Environmental Stewardship: Educators will learn how to motivate learners to become proactive agents of change, inspiring them to take action for a greener and more sustainable future.
  • Enhancing Cross-Curricular Connections: The course will encourage teachers to explore interdisciplinary connections between eco-art and other subjects

Methodology & assessment


Interactive Workshops: The course employs a hands-on approach, featuring interactive workshops, group discussions, and collaborative activities.
Peer Learning: Participants engage in peer-to-peer learning, benefiting from the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their fellow educators.
Practical Application: The training emphasises the practical application of concepts learned.


Formative Assessment: Continuous assessment methods are employed throughout the course, including quizzes, group presentations, and reflective journals.
Final Project: Participants are required to develop a final project that incorporates the knowledge and skills gained during the course.
Course Evaluation: At the end of the course, participants are asked to complete an evaluation form, offering insights into the effectiveness of the training program.

Certification details

Our courses are in line with the Erasmus+ Quality standards for courses under Key Action 1 (learning mobility of individuals) Participants are required to attend a minimum of 80% of the course sessions. Additionally, active engagement and participation in group discussions and practical activities are encouraged to enhance the learning experience.Upon the successful completion of the training course, participants will obtain; 
  • Certificate of Attendance: includes the name of the participant and the trainer, the location, the dates, learning hours and competences acquired. 
  • Learning Agreement(s)
  • Europass Mobility Document(s) 

Pricing, packages and other information

  • Price:
  • Package contents:

Additional information

  • Language:
  • Target audience ISCED:
    Early childhood education (ISCED 0)
    Primary education (ISCED 1)
    Lower secondary education (ISCED 2)
  • Target audience type:
    Head Teacher / Principal
    Teacher Educator
  • Learning time:
    25 hours or more

Upcoming sessions

  • Starting on 05.08.2024 - Ending on 09.08.2024


    , Spain
  • Starting on 02.09.2024 - Ending on 06.09.2024


    , Spain
  • Starting on 30.09.2024 - Ending on 04.10.2024


    , Spain
  • Starting on 04.11.2024 - Ending on 08.11.2024


    , Spain
  • Starting on 02.12.2024 - Ending on 06.12.2024


    , Spain
  • Starting on 03.02.2025 - Ending on 07.02.2025


    , Spain
  • Starting on 31.03.2025 - Ending on 04.04.2025


    , Spain
  • Starting on 05.05.2025 - Ending on 09.05.2025


    , Spain

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