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European School Education Platform


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Projects (36)

When we hear the word insect, every person feels a chill. In fact, these tiny creatures are very beneficial to the ecosystem. They affect the reproduction of plants through pollination, the...

P.E.A.CE P=Pupils-Parents-People E=Education A=All-till Art, no-till Agriculture CE=CEnter First of all,our project slogan inspired us throught a global PEACE.When I read the book "The Lemon Tree" in...

Öğrencilerimizin covid 19 sürecinin getirdiği ekran bağımlılığı ile birlikte, zamanlarının çoğunu geçirdikleri Sanal dünya da daha bilinçli olmaları düşüncesiyle ; dijital okur yazarlıklarını...

National Quality Label

Bilgisayar destekli Autodesk Programı sayesinde eğitim-öğretime Tinkercad'i dahil ederek öğrencilerimizin 3D CAD (dijital tasarımlar), arduino (similasyon ortamında elektronik devre) ve kod...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

We aim to study the development of houses from past to present, the changes in the forms of housing and their importance in human life. Evlerin geçmişten günümüze gelişimi, barınma biçimlerinin...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

It is aimed to teach our students how the map is, how to use the map and how to make a map. Students will learn about the world, country, region and city they live in while working on this project.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Children, regardless of their age, love dinosaur stories. Dinosaurs live in a world of fantasy and magic. The project " Dinosauria - the land of wonders" is an innovative, fun and creative project in...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

In language classes literature is a significant tool for teaching fundamental language skills including speaking, listening, reading and writing. It plays an important role in language curriculum and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label