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European School Education Platform

Read with me Harry Potter 3

Reading the book and activities to guide students in understanding the text. The project aims to bring students to discover the pleasure of reading and to share values such as friendship, diversity, respect and social commitment. The chapters of the book offer numerous ideas for work, both at a literary and content level. In fact, there are chapters in which comedy prevails and others, instead, that lead to reflection. In the dialogues or in the letters / cards of the different characters we can refer to the use of different linguistic registers; we can discover the point of view of the narrator and guide the students to question themselves on the way of acting of the different characters, perhaps playing to identify with one of them. From a content point of view, this book offers the opportunity to reflect in particular on the emotion of fear, its importance and the possible ways to deal with it to overcome it ...
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6 members


Italy(3), Romania(1), France(1), Turkey(1)
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