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European School Education Platform

Green is "IN"

Students will learn what climate change is and what is our role and impact in it. In teams, students will create information leaflets about climate change, include their parents and other family members by calculating a carbon footprint with them. After analyze of the results, we'll make a plan how to reduce water, electricity and fuel consumption in the household. We will pay special attention to waste separation and emphasize the importance of recycling. We will create an eco-corner in school for waste separation, and carry out an action of collecting old paper, batteries and small electronic waste which we will sell to the local recycling center. From the funds raised, we will buy seedlings of indigenous plants grown in the local nursery and plant them in the school yard. Students will research and collect data on these plant species, collaboratively create a web site and place a QR codes on plants that will open their web sites.
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4 members