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European School Education Platform

My peer is my screen

My peer screen project, it is a ka229 project that aims to prevent peer bullying and,in doing so,to put the student at the center, to make the students respect each other through peer learning, to become a team and to produce products related to bullying awareness.First of all, we have developed methods to prevent peer bullying as a problem for children of all countries and ages, or we have created a project team that comes together from schools looking for different methods for this purpose.In doing so, we took advantage of the e Twinning platform, which is the backbone of our project.In this context, we have established and will continue to carry out activities and new projects that we have opened with our project name through this platform.
Created on
5 members


Turkey(1), Bulgaria(1), North Macedonia(1), Latvia(1), Spain(1)
Age range: