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European School Education Platform

Spring Detectives

Spring is a season of hope and promises. There is no other season so bold, determined or powerful. Starting from a tiny seed a new plant grows rapidly and transform into a wonderful plant with green leaves and gorgeous flowers. Spring flowers have many friends; ladybugs, butterflies and many other insects visit them enjoying their flavors. Birds comes from afar, and singing, chirping build nests preparing to contribute to the circle of life. Taking advantage of the curiosity and naturalness with which children explore the surrounding world we can conduct their investigations by helping them become true spring detectives. As little scientists they can observe plants' life cycles, plants' processes like photosynthesis and respiration, bugs and birds. The little meteorologists collect and analyze weather data. The story tellers can create legends and stories inspired by spring phenomena or by spring flowers. Children's drawings give an artistic touch to children's observations.
Created on
31 members


Romania(9), Turkey(4), Italy(3), Bulgaria(2), Spain(2), Latvia(2), North Macedonia(2), Poland(2), Croatia(1), Slovakia(1), Greece(1), Germany(1), Portugal(1)
Age range:
up to 3