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European School Education Platform

Božić dolazi... /Christmas is coming...

Ovim projektom želimo kod učenika i svih djelatnika škole i zajednice potaknuti tradicijski duh Božića. Aktivnim sudjelovanjem u različitim radionicama za vrijeme adventa, učenici će učiti izrađivati božićne čestitke, slastice, božićne ukrase. Na taj način će upoznati adventske običaje našeg zavičaja i izrađivati proizvode poštujući ekološke principe. Cilj projekta je promicanje stvarnog značenja i vrijednosti Božića kroz humanitarnu prodajnu izložbu svega načinjenog kroz radionice projekta. Kroz četiri tjedna adventa provodit ćemo sljedeće aktivnosti: izrada božićnih čestitku i sijanje pšenice, prikupljanje recepata za "Slatku božićnu kuharicu", radionice izrade božićnih slastica, izrada božićnih ukrasa i prodajna humanitarna izložba. With this project, we want to encourage the traditional spirit of Christmas with students and all school and community staff. By actively participating in various workshops during the Advent, students will learn how to make Christmas cards, sweets and Christmas decorations. In this way they will learn about the Advent customs of our homeland and make products in compliance with ecological principles. The aim of the project is to promote the real meaning and value of Christmas through a humanitarian sales exhibition of everything made through the project's workshops. During the four weeks of the Advent, we will carry out the following activities: making a Christmas card and sowing wheat, collecting recipes for "Sweet Christmas Cookbook", Christmas dessert making workshops, out of Christmas decorations and sales charity exhibition.
Created on
11 members


Croatia(10), Italy(1)
Age range: