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European School Education Platform

Let's do a project with Arduino.

Algorithms and coding are one of the most interesting areas for our students. Robots are the most important electronic applicators in this field. For this purpose, we will make our students work with ardunio. The project is designed to help young people cope with the problems they face in their lives. to help them develop their social and emotional well-being by becoming more conscious. Young people deal with the issue of appearance and self-perception in many ways (media, peers, family, social networks, etc.). They think and question critically about the place and importance of sensuality in today's body, as well as think creatively about self-esteem and self-esteem.  Participate in forums and exchange views to create multimedia creations in collaboration with national and international groups. They work together and think of designing a robot.
Created on
5 members


Turkey(4), Spain(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching:
Vocational subjects of teaching: