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European School Education Platform

Let’s be Eco-sustainAble

“Let’s be Eco-sustainAble” wants students become the main actors in the environment where they live, being wittingly involved in the celebration and peculiar aspects promoted by EU CO, and we were inspired by the 17 Goals of United Nations by 2030, and the European Year of slow Tourism,2019. We want to draw attention to the importance of respecting sea and earth biodiversity, preserving the planet resources, preventing from pollution(and reduce the huge amount of plastic), producing clean energy, that means enjoying alternative lifestyles to improve our own life and health. Be aware we can succeed, even considering the challenges, such as the impact of the digital shift, which has to be used as a mean to help ourselves in our “Mission Earth”. It is important to understand that, whether you are a citizen, a farmer, a fisherman, a tourist, or a politician, the environment you live in has to be dealt as something to respect. Beauty and Health of a place with a human dimension help you fee
Created on
12 members


Portugal(5), Bulgaria(2), Italy(2), Spain(1), Cyprus(1), France(1)
Age range: