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European School Education Platform

Special Education for Special Children

As we all know, there are many students who need special education for some reasons in almost every school among Europe. Every school has different experiences and background on this issue. With this project, we want to get in touch with different schools in order to learn from each other how to educate disadvantaged students more efficiently by doing activites together and sharing the ones we do at our schools. We are going to handle pupils having mental or physical disabilities, hyperactivity or difficulty in learning and gifted students. Besides, we are going to include refugees to our project as they also need to be handled specially in terms of education. In our project, all these pupils are going to be acknowledged and called as "Special Children" briefly in order to avoid emphasizing their differences.
Created on
14 members


Romania(7), Italy(3), Turkey(3), Latvia(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Subjects of teaching: