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European School Education Platform

SING LANG Singing together in Different Languages

The project is to have students from the age of 3 to 11, to learn songs and sing them all together on a chosen date (June). We choose a new theme every year, and this year is about Language Diversity. We, therefore, called it "SING'LANG". The songs are proposed in French, English, Italian, German, Spanish,Congolese and Indian and you can choose from them to teach to your students. You will have the opportunity to be in contact with foreign classes, to exchange with them and share a singing moment on the 1st of June, being the month of the music festival in France. An artistic display is required from the participants involving the theme of the year: it can be a photographed item, a drawing, a collage or painting or graphic layout of chosen words (you can mix all the languages of the project). All the displays and recorded productions will be put on a wall, and be watched by all the participant classes.
Created on
18 members


Italy(5), France(3), Poland(3), Romania(2), Turkey(2), Portugal(1), Spain(1), Ireland(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Subjects of teaching: