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European School Education Platform

Emotional and Entrepreneurial Education in Vocational Training (VEET)

Our project is based on the PROEMO/VEET (Professional-Emotions) methodology. It consists of learning to manage emotions in a professional environment in order to create a more efficient and effective workplace. Sharing best practices for positive conflict resolution in the educational domain with partner institutions throughout Europe. Emotional education is fundamental in the workplace. Happy, well-balanced individuals are more effective instructors and more employable students. Emotional and multicultural development is the impetus for our project; the opportunity to share best practices with international partners will improve both the personal wellbeing of our staff and students, as well as their professional development and employability, respectively. Self esteem and happiness of all participating students and staff will depend on the strong motivation of our community, teachers and students alike, to improve personally a professionally.
Created on
34 members


Spain(10), Italy(9), Poland(5), Serbia(4), Romania(4), France(2)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: