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European School Education Platform

Weekly activity list - Don't waste your time!

The aim of the project is that students between the age of 12 and 20 should observe their activities during the week from Moday to Friday in order to use their time more efficiently. Students will get a timetable, in which they indicate for example, what time they get up, how long it takes to travel to school in the morning, what they do during the day at school, how much time they spend on studying and sleeping at home, reading books, playing sports. They also should note „the waste of time” (playing online games, browsing websites etc). By analysing the data we may discover how much time they need to accomplish a task generally, how they spend 24 hours a day and whether they have less useful activities such as browsing, surfing community sites, video games etc., which may take up too much time of their day. Teacher and students will evaluate the weekly activity lists, and discuss what should be changed to save time for (better time managment) a more efficient schedule. Their ac
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2 members


Hungary(1), Slovakia(1)
Age range:
Vocational subjects of teaching: