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European School Education Platform

Flower in a child's hand

Flowers make people better and more beautiful. Children, as if the flowers, as well as spreading warmth and kindness, makes the world more beautiful. Every day we are surrounded by flowers. Children often draw flowers, mold of flowers, growing, watering and admire flowers. We know a lot of songs and poems about flowers... The purpose of the project is to show how different we are and how many things connect us, to extend the children's knowledge of Europe, to communicate with children across Europe through creative means. The project partners will display their crafts, photos, videos, learn the flower names in different languages, tell about the cultivated flowers, had gathered medicinal herbs, sing songs and say poems about flowers and so on. In spring, we organize "flower parade" in Lithuania Jurbarkas Ąžuoliukas school. Project execution time - from 2016 January to 2016 May.
Created on
58 members
National Quality Label


Turkey(19), Greece(12), Romania(6), Latvia(6), Lithuania(4), Italy(4), Bulgaria(2), Slovakia(2), Poland(1), Spain(1), Albania(1)
Age range:
up to 3